The Convention Blog

Who is in the Convention?

A couple of points. We don’t see what we are doing as creating a new “organisation”. The Convention on Modern Liberty is just that, a Convention. It is not a rally or an organisation. It’s aim is to bring together all who are concerned about threats to our fundamental rights and freedoms, even if they are concerned in different ways.

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New partners: TUC and Countryside Alliance

The lastest news is that the TUC and the Countryside Alliance have come on board as partners. They will be helping publicise the Convention through their networks and supporting it where they can and the TUC will be running their own session.

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The Convention on Facebook

The Convention on Modern Liberty launched on Facebook today. If you’re a member please join the Group here. We intend Facebook to be one of the main ways through which we organise and communicate with people about the Convention.

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Happy Human Rights Day!

Today is Human Rights Day, the annual occasion that marks the UN’s adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which this year celebrates its 60th anniversary. We’ve timed the release of ticket sales to coincide with this historic occasion, so why not celebrate by buying yourself one?

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“Take Jane”

NO2ID launch a new video campaign this week aimed at highlighting a disturbing aspect of the national identity register – the database at the heart of the preposterous “ID cards” scheme – that is frequently overlooked.

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Guardian debates UDHR 60 years on

Tomorrow is the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Guardian have been running a very interesting series of articles to mark the date. Particularly good are AC Grayling’s daily blogs exploring in detail the articles of the Convention.

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Tickets on sale 10 December

Tickets for the Convention are going on sale December 10th – the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Tickets are £35 and £20 concession including tea and coffee and sandwich lunch.

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